Parallel gameplay follows a similar format as many traditional trading card games. However, there are some key differences that make Parallel unique to play. Therefore, this article will discuss the structure of the board, the ground rules of deck construction and teach you all you need to know about the basic gameplay elements.
Board Structure
Some of the game mechanics are relatively complex and hard to understand, especially if you cannot see the game in action. Therefore, we will only talk about the different parts of the board on a surface level and will go into more detail in a separate article.
The Parallel Board consists out of five main parts: the Deck, Hand, Bank, Waste and Singularity. As in every other card game out there, you draw your cards from your deck to your hand. The bank is used to burn cards in order to gain energy, which is needed to play cards. When a card gets destroyed on the field it goes to the Waste. The so-called Singularity is a completely new system which is being utilized by the shroud faction. By playing certain cards they are able to banish hostile as well as friendly cards to the singularity and even take them from the singularity back onto their hand.
Deck Construction
The standard Parallel deck must contain exactly forty (40) cards. You can’t play with more or fewer cards than forty (40) cards except in specially designated game modes. Each deck may only contain cards from one (1) of the five (5) Parallel choices, as well as “universal” cards that are available to use in any deck regardless of Parallel.
Playable cards come in four (4) levels of rarity. The rarity of a card determines how many copies are allowed to use in a deck. There are also four (4) types of cards. A card type determines how it can be played in the game. Therefore, every card has both a rarity and a type.
The four (4) levels of playable card rarity are: common, uncommon, rare, and legendary.
--> Decks may contain up to three (3) copies of any card with the same name if the card rarity is common, uncommon, or rare
--> Decks may contain one (1) copy of any card if the card rarity is legendary
Example: A deck is allowed to contain more than one (1) “legendary” card if the cards have different names. Therefore “legendary” card “Neutron Bomb and “legendary” card “Lancer Tank” may both be played in a Marcolian deck, but no more than one of each “legendary” card will be allowed.
There is a fifth card rarity that is called “Prime” rarity. Prime rarity is given to certain non-playable cards called “assets.” However, this rarity will be covered in more detail in a following article since these cards are not playable in the game.
Card Types
All playable cards classify as one of four (4) card types: unit, upgrade, relic, or effect.
Unit: A card type that is mustered onto the field and has an attack and a defense value. These cards can be used to deal damage to the enemy player’s health or to attack enemy units.
Upgrade: An upgrade attaches to a unit on the field and modifies the designated unit’s statistics and/or abilities.
Relic: This type of card can be placed on the field but is not able to fight. Instead, it grants one or more abilities to a player
Effect: Effects represents an immediately played one-time ability, after which the card is used up.
For story purposes, “Paragons” are comparable to important leaders or heroes of each Parallel faction.
Every deck is required to pick one (1) Paragon from a predetermined selection for each Parallel. Paragons are units that are set aside at the beginning of the game and offer a persistent passive effect to the player. Because Paragons are of unit type, a Paragon can be played onto the field once its energy cost is paid. Some Paragons also have abilities that are activated when it is mustered onto the field.
They are treated as units and therefore have an energy cost, attack power, and health. Paragons can be destroyed. When a Paragon is destroyed, it doesn’t get placed into the “waste” area but instead the Paragon is permanently removed from the game. If a Paragon is destroyed, the player still receives the effects of the passive ability granted by the Paragon.
These cards are conditionally available units that are supplied by the game client and cannot be purchased like regular units.
Parallel Playstyles
Earthen Playstyle: The Earthen playstyle is typically defensive. Earthen players like to outlast their opponents, focusing on healing and blocking incoming attacks. Earthen are slow to start, but the patience of an Earthen player is rewarded with powerful units and effects to play as the match continues.
Marcolian Playstyle: The Marcolian playstyle is typically aggressive. Marcolian players like to play fast, quickly deploying units to gain early board control. Marcolian decks also favor cards that deal direct damage to the opponent’s health.
Kathari Playstyle: The Kathari playstyle is typically one of building momentum. Kathari players favor amassing units over time to outnumber their opponent’s forces on an overwhelming scale. Kathari players like cloning units to bring additional units onboard, often chaining together actions to produce more units no matter the outcome.
Augencore Playstyle: The Augencore playstyle is typically focused on buffing units to be as powerful as possible. Augencore players favor upgrade cards that can to enhance the statistics and abilities of unit cards. Augencore players like to find interesting card combinations that allow upgraded units to have synergy with each other.
Shroud Playstyle: The Shroud playstyle is typically one of control. Shroud players have access to a unique game mechanic called The Singularity, granting the ability to banish cards from the game board and recalling the cards to hand as the Shroud player chooses. Shroud players like to deny their opponents the ability to use cards while taking the opponent’s cards for their own use.